-28°C Just sayin

Scott SigurdsonShareholder Reports

This week I was in the process of setting up a blog on our website. I started by adding the shareholder updates for the extended shares. It’s funny seeing them all on one page, and the progression of headlines;

Winter is coming
Survivor: the garden series
The garden under snow
Snow turnips
The elusive snow sprouts
Winter with bells on
-28°C just sayin
Who know what next week’s might have been?

To expand on the last headline, on November 23 it was -28°C here at Indian Creek. Cold, very cold.  To put this in perspective it was -4°C in Edmonton and -5°C in Whitehorse. I didn’t expect to see anything alive in our unheated greenhouses. In fact I couldn’t see anything, the row covers were frozen into solid sheets. They couldn’t be disturbed without tearing them. Yet, despite the arctic temperatures we have fresh lettuce, arugula, and cilantro that survived and was harvested today. Some of the turnips survived too, but we decided they were not worthy. We also had the foresight to do an emergency harvest ahead of the arctic preview. So this week’s share will look a lot like this:

Zunder black radish
Salad mix
Delicata squash
Baby Bok Choy
Choice of herbs

We both wanted to thank you for being part of our late season CSA experiment, the Beta group. Despite being shut down by the weather earlier than we were the past two years we were pleased with what we were able to manage. Staying open this late also gave us lots of insight as to how this might be improved upon in future years. We haven’t added it to our website yet, but I expect we will do this again next year. So thank you for joining us on this late season foray and thank you for your support all season long.

If you have not already, we now have our website set-up to accept reservations for next year‘s growing season. Have yourselves a great winter. We hope to see you on the other side!

See you on Wednesday
Marisa & Scott