Snow turnips

Scott SigurdsonShareholder Reports

We’ve had a break from harvesting in the ice n rain this week, but looking at the forecast, we’ll be needing a heater in the walk in cooler before much longer. Winter is coming.

We’re going heavy on roots this week, with beets, carrots, radishes and a dainty little breakfast turnip called Hinona Kabu. We had them in June, but these are tender baby roots by comparison.  We have salad mix, spinach and chard for greens this week. Brussel sprouts and cabbage in the brassica department along with onions and your choice of cilantro, parsley or thyme.

FYI – That is Hinona Kabu in the photo, taken in our greenhouse. These turnips will be the first thing harvested from the greenhouse so far this fall. We hope you enjoy them

See you tomorrow afternoon
Marisa & Scott