Pick-up Dates for 2025

Classic and Bountiful Feast Shareholders
You have 20 consecutive weeks of share pick-ups beginning the week of June 12th-Oct 30th. Please note, there is no pick-up the week of September 4th, when your farmers are on vacation.

Essential shares
Farm Pick-up only
Essential Garden Shares are identical to our Classic Garden Shares except that they is offered on a bi-weekly basis over a twenty week period, rather than on a weekly basis.  So you have ten pick up dates beginning on June 12th. Please note, there is no pick-up the week of September 5th, when your farmers are on vacation.

These are your 10 bi-weekly pick-up dates for the Almonte: June 12 & 26, July 11 & 25, August 8 & 22, September 12, 26, October 10& 24.



Essential shares
Almonte and Carleton Place Pick-up only
In 2025 our Essential Garden Share is identical to our Classic Garden Share (larger!) except that it is offered on a bi-weekly basis over a 20 week period, rather than on a weekly basis. So you have ten pick up dates beginning on June 19th.

These are your 10 bi-weekly pick-up weeks for Almonte or Carleton Place pick-ups: June 20, July 4 & 18, August 1, 15, 29 September 19, October 3, 17 & 31


Pick-up times & locations
N.B. Essential garden shareholders have different bi-weekly pick up schedules

Indian Creek Orchard Gardens | 919 Sugar Bush Road
Thursday Farm Pick-up | 3pm – 7pm
Saturday Farm Pick-up | 2pm-4pm

Dandelion Foods | 451 Ottawa St
Thursday Pick-up | noon – 6pm

Carleton Place
The Granary | 107 Bridge St
Thursday Pick-up | noon – 6pm